David Massey

Performance coach and communications consultant

David Massey
17/01/21 Inspiration # , ,

A vocation lesson

Stories, a good story can start with a definition. “Vocation”, from the Latin, vocare, to “call”. This picture shows the Church of St John Chrysostom in Rome (viewed from the children’s playground) where I heard this lesson today.

Today’s sermon spoke of how a friend is that special person, with kindness in their heart, who wants nothing but who lets you in.
Samuel, Abraham … we even went back to Adam and Eve. Stories, need names, places, the sensation of what it was like to be there.

And stories need to be retold, over and over again.

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30/12/20 Inspiration , My Events # , ,

When a sermon hits the mark

A priest probably has to be many things to many people. My latest Linked article explains how impressed I was with Don Massimo’s public speaking skills during his weekly sermon.


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22/08/20 Inspiration , Life Style # , , ,

Top tips for online meetings

Online meetings present challenges yet also offer opportunities. How can we get the best out of this new way of working and what are the risks?

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22/02/20 Inspiration , My Events #

Coaching online

I do a lot of coaching face-to-face, but read what happened when I worked online in my latest LinkedIn post.

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13/12/19 Inspiration , My Events

Just let them talk

The sooner you manage to release the enthusiasm in the room to actually create something the better.

Set tasks when planning your training that allow people to work in small groups of two or three people so those less extrovert or with less confidence can still find their voice.

Video the performances and give immediate feedback, also allowing the particants themselves to provide their throughts.

Questions like: “What really worked well?” or directly to the participant “What would you do differently?” are good ways to invite feedback. Be positive, keep the energy high.

The above was taken from a one-day presenting skills training course.

Contact me for more information

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22/08/19 My Work # ,

Performance coaching

Performance coaching

Coaching in both a sporting or business or even life context involves enhancing performance by removing the impediments or the interference that restrict potential.

As a performance coach I engage, usually one-on-one, to accompany a client in building awareness and responsibility when developing their leadership. Dealing with real-life scenarios, we discuss and process goals, realities, options and the actions to be taken.

The coach does not have the answers but has the questions and the skills to unlock the potential of their coachee and accompany them towards a new and immensely satisfying and rewarding level of performance.

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23/06/19 Inspiration

Travelling in May

Find out how it went by checking out my article on LinkedIn.

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07/04/19 Inspiration , My Events # , ,

The biggest mistake you can make

The biggest mistake you can make

While training in Milan last week, I put together 5 tips for public speaking. You can read about them on linkedin

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18/03/19 Inspiration , My Events # ,

Get the programme right

Even if you come to a venue like Chateauform where every possible effort is made to create an environment conducive to creativity and collaboration, as a trainer and facilitator you need to plan ahead for the programme. You need a balance of activities and a range of methodologies that will allow you to reach your goals – which should be both extremely clear and realistic.

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16/02/19 Inspiration , My Events # ,

Getting to yes

Getting to yes

You can do anything with a group, an audience, a class … except waste their time. So, it was really important to put together a short programme for a single day’s “presenting with influence” training that was exciting, involving and beneficial to the group; all busy people.

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