David Massey


30/12/20 Inspiration , My Events # , ,

When a sermon hits the mark

A priest probably has to be many things to many people. My latest Linked article explains how impressed I was with Don Massimo’s public speaking skills during his weekly sermon.


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07/04/19 Inspiration , My Events # , ,

The biggest mistake you can make

The biggest mistake you can make

While training in Milan last week, I put together 5 tips for public speaking. You can read about them on linkedin

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Latest tweets

When he spoke about creativity, education, children he was always worth listening to. He gave value to those who chose arts subjects because they were good at them. "If you're not prepared to be wrong you'll never be original".

If this #ENGvWAL first 27 mins is a sign of either team’s chances of success at the World Cup, with schoolboy errors, chatty, matey slaps on the back and no points, then we should all save ourselves the airfare (and I needn’t have left the beach)

Deeply saddened by this news. The picture shows Richard being his usual engaging, technically excellent and super-detailed self at a workshop in France. A pleasure to work with. Thoughts go to his family.