There are some great tools out there to help but being a helpful facilitator it is still all about preparation and process.
There are some great tools out there to help but being a helpful facilitator it is still all about preparation and process.
Working as a facilitator I recently travelled to Vanuatu (google it) then to Beijing and finally to Almaty in Kazakhstan. Beach weather in the South Pacific, smog in China and snow on the ground in the ninth biggest country on the planet (and the largest with no open sea).
When you have an opinion but manage not to give it, that’s when you know you can facilitate. Just ask the queen!
Together with a team from the Codex Secretariat (based in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome) I recently organized a residential workshop for committee chairs at the Chateâuform La Borghesiana.
Why were there only three things on the agenda?
A familiar saying, designed, I’m sure, to belittle those in the teaching profession says: “Those that can, do. Those that can’t – teach!” Ouch – go all the teachers.
Tools and techniques for facilitating participatory events.
I train adults who need to facilitate meetings or deliver training. I also facilitate work groups, teams and any group interesting in reaching consensus through participation and creativity – the route to ownership.