David Massey


14/12/21 Inspiration , My Events # ,

Facilitating on line

There are some great tools out there to help but being a helpful facilitator it is still all about preparation and process.

Read my LinkedIn article.

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18/11/18 Inspiration # , ,

How can you build consensus when you don’t speak the language?


Working as a facilitator I recently travelled to Vanuatu (google it) then to Beijing and finally to Almaty in Kazakhstan. Beach weather in the South Pacific, smog in China and snow on the ground in the ninth biggest country on the planet (and the largest with no open sea).

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09/06/17 Inspiration # , , , , ,

Can royalty do facilitation?

Can royalty do facilitation?

When you have an opinion but manage not to give it, that’s when you know you can facilitate. Just ask the queen!

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23/05/17 My Events # , , ,

Don’t try and cram in too much

Don’t try and cram in too much

Together with a team from the Codex Secretariat (based in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome) I recently organized a residential workshop for committee chairs at the Chateâuform La Borghesiana.

Why were there only three things on the agenda?

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02/04/17 Inspiration , My Events # , ,

Can you turn an expert into a trainer?

A familiar saying, designed, I’m sure, to belittle those in the teaching profession says: “Those that can, do. Those that can’t –  teach!” Ouch – go all the teachers.

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14/03/17 My Events # , ,

Do meetings really help to build consensus?

Do meetings really help to build consensus?

Tools and techniques for facilitating participatory events.

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29/12/14 My Work # ,


I train adults who need to facilitate meetings or deliver training. I also facilitate work groups, teams and any group interesting in reaching consensus through participation and creativity – the route to ownership.

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When he spoke about creativity, education, children he was always worth listening to. He gave value to those who chose arts subjects because they were good at them. "If you're not prepared to be wrong you'll never be original".

If this #ENGvWAL first 27 mins is a sign of either team’s chances of success at the World Cup, with schoolboy errors, chatty, matey slaps on the back and no points, then we should all save ourselves the airfare (and I needn’t have left the beach)

Deeply saddened by this news. The picture shows Richard being his usual engaging, technically excellent and super-detailed self at a workshop in France. A pleasure to work with. Thoughts go to his family.